Beloved, we come into the presence of many things and many people. According to the Bible, the presence of God is beholding and powerful.
The type of atmosphere we encounter on a daily basis, or rather the atmosphere created by the people we’re surrounded with, can do one of two things:
they can take us into the presence of God, or
they can push us away from His presence.
Moses is someone who reached a point where he knew and understood what the Lord’s presence meant.
Exodus 33:14-15 says,
“And He said, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.
Then he said to Him, ‘If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.”
Moses realized the significance of God’s presence.
Without it, there was no power, no peace or joy, so Moses declared to God that he would not go anywhere without the Lord’s presence.
Exodus 33:16 reads, “For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth.”
This verse tells us that there is grace in the presence of God.
There is something unique and distinctive that can only be found in God’s presence.
Something so transformative and divine that it will separate us from everyone else in the world.
We should all have the desire to encounter the presence of God at some point in our lives, an encounter that will revive and refresh us.
Acts 2:17 says, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.”
God has promised to pour out His spirit on all flesh in the last days.
Our cry and desire should be that we are not left out of this outpouring promised in the Bible.
We must make sure our hearts are not hardened to the presence of God.
We must make sure our schedule is not so busy that we miss our divine appointment with God in our prayer closet in His presence.
Most Holy God,
The Alpha and Omega, You have saved me in every way possible.
You have made me complete in Your love and mercy.
There is no one comparable to You and for this reason, I bow and submit to You.
Jesus, I bow down and confess that You are Lord.
I need You in my life. Pass me not, my Saviour.
I need just a touch for my life to be blessed, for my situation to turn around.
Just a touch of the hem of Your garment, and…
my entire family can be restored, my health can be restored,
and my faith can be strengthened.
Lord, I praise you because You are a wonder working God, and I come seeking Your presence today.
Just as Moses declared, if Your presence does not go with me, then I will not move.
I pray for a mighty visitation from You, Lord Jesus.
Let Your presence be known in my life and my home.
Lord, I pray that You surround me at all times.
I will hold on to Exodus 33:14 and confess this verse in my life.
You have said in Your Word, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Father, lead me, and I will follow.
Go ahead of me and be with me always, so that I may walk in communion with You.
I pray that nothing will push me away from Your presence.
I pray that You order my steps in everything I do, everywhere I go, and wherever I am.
Guide and lead me, for You are my shepherd. Psalm 23:3 says, “He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”
I pray that You will order my each and every step so that I may walk in a manner that is pleasing to You.
I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to be real to me.
I pray that the Holy Spirit;
Helps me to focus on things that are pure, true, and right. Help me to be slow to anger.
Helps me to be forgiving.
Helps me to have a sweet and peaceful spirit that will reflect You and the work You are doing in and through me.
Be a light unto my path, King Jesus.
Eradicate any evil in my life and expose every trap set by the enemy. I pray that You may grant me wisdom and peace today.
I thank You for Your promise that when I call on You, You will listen.
Thank You for Your promise that when I seek You, with all of my heart, I will find You.
Help me to be vigilant, Holy Spirit, so that I will not be found around ungodly friends or associates who may push me away from God.
Holy Spirit, do not to allow my feet to walk in the same path as sinners. Instead, I pray that You will place me in good company, around people who love the Lord and people who will encourage me in faith.
Put within me a hunger and thirst to seek after Your presence Lord.
Give me the right attitude to pursue You patiently.
Hold me and guide me, Lord.
I pray that Your love surround me and help me to always be found hidden in Your presence.
In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, Amen
Have a blessed day