
The Wisdom of Obedience – Part 2

Just now getting back to blogging, the last couple of months have been difficult for my family because of the sudden loss of my niece, Mrs Kehinde Babalola. Please keep her 3 year old twin boys Daniel and Samuel, her…

The Wisdom of Obedience – Part 1

To become a Christian require complete obedience to the Word of God such as in Act 2:38. This is considered to be “a new birth” hence anyone who obey the gospel of Christ in repentance and baptism is considered a “born…

Benefits of Acquiring Wisdom

God’s wisdom is PowerGod’s wisdom is the power and foundation of His creation. His  divine wisdom and understanding is why we exist. According to Proverbs 3:19-20 “By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens…

Wisdom: Someone You Should Know

Can you imagine your life being guided with discernment, good judgement and power? Dictionary.com defines wisdom as “the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting.”  Biblical wisdom, however, is all these and more. Biblical wisdom is…