
True Knowledge Of Jesus Christ 4 – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

~ JESUS CHRIST IS YOUR…RIGHTEOUSNESS @everyone We are all sinners and naturally unrighteous in our flesh. Sin separate us from our creator, God. We need to be righteous in order to have a relationship with God In fact Righteousness means…

Don’t Give Up Before You Start – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

Beloved, sometimes things happen and before we know it, the goals we set for ourselves, especially at the beginning of the year are derailed if care is not taken. The unfortunate truth is that many people will never accomplish anything…

Jesus Does Not Condemn Us – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

The word CONDEMN means to declare to be wrong, guilty, reprehensible; to blame or sentence. The world is filled with the mindset of condemnation. The enemy of our souls, Satan himself specializes in using anything, anyone at his disposal to…