
True Knowledge Of Jesus Christ 6 – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

~ JESUS IS YOUR…EXAMPLE @everyone Following Jesus’ example means imitating his self-humbling, self-giving love. It also means living a life that conforms to his example The Bible says that Jesus is our example in his life, death, and resurrection, and…

True Knowledge Of Jesus Christ 5 – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

~ JESUS IS YOUR…DELIVERER – @everyone Jesus Christ’s death on the cross paid the price for humanity’s freedom from sin. The word “deliverer” in Hebrew means “to cause to escape” or “to carry away safely”. Jesus is Our Deliverer –…

Decision Making, God’s Way – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

Life is a series of decisions. One after another, beginning in childhood, we are called upon to make choices. Some decisions are mundane and minor and not harmful: What shirt will I wear today? What meal should I eat this…

God’s Divine Provision – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

Our Lord Jesus Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, teaches about God’s care for His creation and His provision for His children. Jesus calls us to trust in God and live free from anxiety, knowing that our Heavenly Father is faithful…

God Will Make A Way – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

For most people in our world, victory in life is all about our capability, our credentials, and our material things. Therefore is the believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world, we have no chance of…