Praying With Authority – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi Oshinowo


💥Beloved, I submit to you that many believers are not aware of the God given authority that they have in Christ Jesus, especially when it comes to praying with authority. The Bible is very clear on this issue.

✝️Jesus came to earth, died and was raised to life for us. In his death, he took back the keys of authority that had been handed over to the enemy by our sin (Rev. 1:18).

💥Jesus then shared those keys of authority with the church.

✝️Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭19‬ ‭AMP‬‬ says “I will give you the keys (authority) of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth will have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth will have [already] been loosed in heaven.” [Is 22:22; Matt 18:18]”


💥But, having the keys and using the keys are two different things.

💥For generations, the church has possessed the keys of authority, but not always used this precious gift of authority. Just because you have keys to the car doesn’t mean that you will drive it!

💥God has given us the privilege of calling on Him for all we need – what’s more, He’s promised to respond. He also encourages us to petition Him on behalf of others.

✝️James 5:16 tells us “….

👉🏾”The prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored.

👉🏾The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) is able to accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

💥There are distinct examples of believers who prayed with authority in the Bible. Prophet Elijah was one of such example.

✝️James 15:17-18, we read that “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours [with the same physical, mental, and spiritual limitations and shortcomings], and he prayed intensely for it not to rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. [1 Kin 17:1] Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the land produced its crops [as usual]. [1 Kin 18:42-45]”

When God gives us a direction in prayer, he wants us to pray from the position and declaration of authority. After all, we are seated in Jesus at the right hand of the Father – a privileged place of authority (Eph. 2:6; Col. 3:1-3). We need to practice speaking out our intercession with boldness and persistence.

‭‭To pray powerfully,

👉🏾We must first accept God’s offer of salvation.

👉🏾Before redemption, we were unrighteous people under His judgment.

👉🏾But through faith in Jesus, we are made new and declared holy.

👉🏾Second, we must align our prayers with His will.

Are you a child of God? If so, you can pray with spiritual might by making sure your requests are in agreement with His will.


Father in heaven, thank You for giving us authority through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lord help us to remember to speaking Your Word in prayer with boldness and authority, because this is our inheritance in You.

Lord, lead, guide and direct us to pray powerfully with confidence and authority. Holy Spirit be present with us throughout this day and week. Protect us and our loved ones from the evil one, and from the wickedness of the wicked. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen 🙏🏾

Have a blessed day ❤️

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