The “US” in the above sentence are God’s Chosen ones. The chosen ones are those who God justifies [declaring us blameless and putting us in right relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ]
Our text today, from Romans 8:33,37-39 declares that NOTHING, can separate us from the unlimited LOVE of God.
Not even death
Not life
Not angels nor demons
Not principalities
Not things present and threatening
Not things to come
Not powers
Not height
Not depth
Not any other created thing
Can separate us from the LOVE of God!
What a comforting thought and assurance for us about the intensity of God’s love towards us. It is also a good motivation to have and build a relationship with God, by giving our lives to Jesus Christ, Whenever I read these verses, I am triggered to PRAISE God with every cell in my body.
Our loving God, thank You for loving us to the extent that NOTHING can separate us from Your unlimited love. Give us the grave to live our lives as LOVED people. Help us to find our identity in Your unlimited LOVE for us, in spite of us. We adore You, Lord! In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen
Have a blessed day