Beloved, today, let us flesh Jesus’ home-building analogy out a bit.
In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus states that:
those who hear His words AND do them are wise builders. They have built their homes on rock-solid foundations. The winds howl, the rains come – even a flood comes – but the house stands firm.
Those who hear His words, but fail to live by them are foolish builders. They may build the grandest of houses, but they sit on a shaky foundation.
What is This House We’re Building?
The “house” we are building is a metaphor for our whole lives.
It represents our faith, our home, our vocation or job, our relationships, our health, etc.
The entire house must rest on a solid foundation, not just a few part of the house.
It’s very easy for us to compartmentalize our lives without even being aware of it.
Instead of an organic whole, our lives look more like colorful pie charts with hard lines dividing the sections:
We go to church on Sundays, and we may even participate in a weekly Bible study or small group.
A daily quiet time of study and prayer is part of our routine.
We feel like that “slice of our pie” is strong.
We’ve checked the boxes, we are “doing fine” there.
And then we consciously or unconsciously leave Jesus in His pie slice.
We move on to our vocational slice, our home slice, our parenting slice, or our recreational slice, and leave our faith completely out.
It’s as though we don’t think Jesus has anything to do with those areas. On the contrary, Jesus has everything to do with every aspect of our lives.
Jesus must be part of every aspect of our lives if we are to build our lives on solid foundations.
We must make choices in every part of our lives that align with God’s will.
(Ref: wild olive.org)
Lord Jesus, we praise You for making a way for us to clearly understand the metaphor in Your words regarding building a solid foundation.
Give us the grace to make choices that align with Your will in every aspect of our lives.
Strengthen our faith in You Jesus, as we surrender our all to You.
Renew our minds so we can be transformed into Your likeness.
In Jesus Christ’s majestic name I pray. Amen
Have a blessed day