In this brand new year, and ever so unstable world around us, we all need some stability in our lives.
Beloved, I submit to you that as believers in Christ, building a solid and firm foundation for our lives is of utmost importance for our creator, God Himself.
Jesus Christ(God in flesh) made sure that we understand the importance of a solid foundation by the metaphor of builders.
He compared someone with a solid and firm foundation to a builder who built his house on unshakable foundation, and called that person wise.
On the other hand Jesus also declared that a foolish man would build his house on sand.
In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus said:
”So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, will be like a wise man [a far-sighted, practical, and sensible man]who built his house on the rock.
And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.
And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them, will be like a foolish (stupid) man who built his house on the sand.
And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great and complete was its fall.”
We will look into the metaphorical “house” in our next devotional.
Lord Jesus, thank You for Your teachings on building a solid foundation.
Give us the grace to hear Your Words and do them according to Your will.
I pray You would grant each one of us a solid foundation as we trust you.
In Jesus’mighty name I pray. Amen
Have a blessed day