Let’s us look at Joseph’s life as an example. (Read Genesis 39)
His father,Jacob loved and favored Joseph; his brothers were very jealous of him and they hated him. Genesis 37:5–11—Joseph dreamt that his parents and brothers bowed to him. Genesis 37:12–36. To get rid of him, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery to some Egyptians. Somehow Joseph ended up Potiphar’s house in Egypt.
Needless to say, things were not looking too good for Joseph as he went from one trial into another. But God was working behind the scenes.
If Joseph had not been sold as a slave, he would not have ended up in Potiphar’s house.
If he had not been in Potiphar’s house, he would not have been thrown into prison.
If he had not been thrown into prison, he would not have interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh’s officers, be summoned to interpret Pharaoh’s dream and eventually be promoted to become prime minister over the Egyptian empire.
Beloved, If you think that you are at the lowest point in your life today with trials and tribulations, God is telling you, “Don’t give up. It is not over. Trust Me”Just like Joseph in the Bible, God can make the lowest points in your life launching pads for His greatest promotions into the purpose you were created.
Holy God, thank You for being a God who continues to work behind the scenes to use our struggles to bring You glory. Lord, I pray that You help us to persevere and not give up, but strengthen our faith in You through endurance. In the matchless name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen
Have a blessed day