Decision Making, God’s Way – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi

💥Life is a series of decisions. One after another, beginning in childhood, we are called upon to make choices.

💥Some decisions are mundane and minor and not harmful:

👉🏾What shirt will I wear today?

👉🏾What meal should I eat this morning?

💥Others decisions are life-altering:

👉🏾Who will I marry?

👉🏾What line of work or career should I undertake ?

💥Our life is determined by these decisions. Even seemingly small but major decisions can determine the trajectory of our lives.

💥One of the means that God uses to help guide us in life is the counsel of godly men and women.

✝️Proverbs 11:14 AMP tells us :

“Where there is no [wise, intelligent] guidance, the people fall [and go off course like a ship without a helm], But in the abundance of [wise and godly] counselors there is victory.”

💥Making decisions is hard. You can either

✝️Lean on your own understanding” solely or,

👉🏾In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

💥In other words, you can try to make that decision yourself or bring God into the equation.


💥God does not play games with us. He wants us to know His will more than we want to know it and has everything to gain by helping us make wise, God-honoring decisions.

💥Therefore, He has given us four wonderful lights to guide us:

👉🏾Prayer asking God to lead us and help us making decisions,

👉🏾The Word of God before us,

👉🏾The Spirit of God within us,

👉🏾The people of God that surround us.

💥Every decision should be tested on these anvils:

👉🏾Do I have clear direction from God’s Word? In fervent prayer?

👉🏾Is there a principle or promise that applies to this decision?

👉🏾Do I have a peace and confidence that the Spirit of God is directing this? An inner sense of rightness, with no hesitation?

👉🏾Do the godly counselors around me agree or do they have reservations?

💥When each of these are aligned, we can have good confidence that we have found the will of God.

💥If, however, one of these is not in sync, there is always cause for hesitation.

💥George Mueller of Moody Bible Institute operated by this principle saying, “Continued uncertainty as to a matter is always cause for continued waiting.”

💥God wants us to operate in faith, which is a confidence that we are being led by Him and following His direction.

💥These four lights are designed to bring us to such spiritual confidence.

💥We must not make any important decision in a vacuum!

💥This is not weakness, it is humble strength and godly wisdom to utilize the tools God has put in place to lead you.

💥Your decisions matter to you and all those around you and God has designed a wonderful, accessible way to lead you in this life.

(Ref: billelliffe)


🔥Father, thank You for your guidance in directing us to decisions

that bring glory to Your name.

🔥Lord, give us the divine wisdom that we need to make decisions your way.

🔥Lord, we surrender our lives to You and lead us into the center of Your will.

🔥In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen 🙏🏾

Have a blessed day ❤️

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