ALL OF US FEEL LONELY FROM TIME TO TIME, perhaps because of ill health, a busy work schedule, or moving for a new job or school. When that happens, we find it harder to reach out to friends and loved ones. Our mind starts telling us no one’s interested in our thoughts or feelings, and we build walls around our heart that let few people in. The more we withdraw, the worse we feel disconnected from others.
It is important to distinguish between loneliness and aloneness, because believers are never truly alone. Yes, everyone feels isolated at some point, but God never intended for us to live disconnected from one another (Gen. 2:18). Ever since creation, He planned for us to enjoy an intimate relationship with Him and with others.
First, He established a personal relationship with Adam and then provided him with Eve.
Note the order: Intimacy with God precedes intimacy with anyone else.
In the absence of a personal relationship with the Lord, loneliness prevails, and the only way to be connected to the Father is by trusting Jesus as Savior (John 14:6). When we do that, we receive His peace (v. 27) and the promise that He’ll always be with us (Matt. 28:20; Heb. 13:5). Believers are forever His children and never truly alone.
Father, thank you for waking us up this morning. Thank You for promising never to leave us nor forsake us. Lord, we covet Your presence at all times. Help us to cultivate a habit of spending time with You in solitude. Abide with us today Lord. In Jesus mighty name I pray.
Have a blessed day