Beloved, let us start this week with some heartfelt praise and thanksgiving to our God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
My heart rejoices in You, Lord, for You are my strong shelter in times of trouble and danger and stress.
My hiding place to whom I run to and continually resort.
My Father who lovingly provides for me.
My Shepherd who leads, guides, directs and protects me.
My life Champion who upholds my cause as His child and defends my highest interests.
My Bridegroom who delights in me.
My God who is mighty to save, who rests in His love for me and rejoices over me with singing. with shouts of joy! ( Zephania 3:17)
You are too wise to ever make a mistake. too loving to ever do anything unkind.
You protect me, my children and my family with Your mighty power.
You constantly act on my behalf all the time, to manifest Your glory in and through me, for this I praise You, my God!
Thank You that You love me deeply and tenderly.
Psalms 16:5-8 NIV declares;
Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
My Lord, You are my inheritance, my share in life, the One who satisfies my longing soul and fills my hungry soul with goodness.
Lord, I praise You for Your love and Your wisdom.
Lord, You are compassionate and gracious, full of lovingkindness, ready to forgive, patiently considerate, and generous beyond imagining.
You desire my love for You and rejoice to do good things for me.
You delight to give me the desires of my heart as I delight myself in You.
PSALM 91:1-2 tells us “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most
High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the LorD, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”
How precious is Your love to me, O God! I sing for joy as I take refuge in the shadow of Your wings!
Thank You. Father, that You so loved the world that You gave Your one and only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ..that when the time had fully come. He wrapped Himself in human form. being born as a helpless baby in a poor family.
Thank You that Jesus walked here on earth radiating the brightness of Your glory and flawlessly expressing Your nature.
So, through Him, people saw You in action, involved with them, and available to meet their needs.
Thank You that Jesus focused Your almighty power into the lives of common people with deep needs. just like me.
Thank You that Jesus preached the gospel to the poor, proclaimed freedom to prisoners of sin and recovery of sight to the blind, and set free the oppressed victims of sin and Satan-the downtrodden, the lost, the hurting, and the broken.
Thank You for the way Jesus rebuked the arrogant and looked with favor on the humble-minded.
He opened wide the door of His kingdom to those who were destitute and helpless in spirit.
I delight in Your tender mercies, O my God, by which the Sunrise from on high has come to us!
Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, our comforters and helper.
Thank You that through the Gospels:
I can watch this beloved One walk among ordinary people.
I can hear the gracious words that came from His lips.
I can see His compassion and tenderness toward needy people.
I can see His anger at hypocrisy.
His faithfulness. His intense love for His followers.
Fairest Lord Jesus!
You alone are my heart’s chief soul’s glory, joy. and crown.
Every advantages that life can offer is like rubbish, compared with the overwhelming gain of knowing You.
You are worthy, Lord worthy to be thanked and praised and worshiped and adored.
In the Holy name of Jesus Christ, I have praised and gave thanks. Amen and Amen
Have a blessed day