The word CONDEMN means to declare to be wrong, guilty, reprehensible; to blame or sentence.
The world is filled with the mindset of condemnation. The enemy of our souls, Satan himself specializes in using anything, anyone at his disposal to condemn those who are loved by God. That includes you and me.
We find that in the world we live in, people who are created in the image of God are unnecessarily condemned because of:
Skin color or race
Country or place of origin
Mistakes or Sin
The list goes on.
Jesus on the other hand loves us passionately and does not condemn us, despite our sins or any worldly condemnation.
We find such example in John 8:3-11. The story of a woman caught in adultery.
”They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”” – John 8:6-7,10-11 NIV
The adulterous woman. We don’t get to know her name or anything else about her life. The only thing we get to know about this woman is her shame.
In this short Bible passage, we learn that she has been caught in bed with someone she is not married to, dragged into the temple, and thrown down in front of Jesus and a crowd of people.
The Pharisees questioned Jesus, determined to trap him:
Should she be put to death?
Would He (Jesus ) obey the Mosaic laws or the Roman rule?
Jesus was in what seemed to be a lose-lose situation, so was the woman caught in adultery.
And sometimes so are we. When shame surrounds us and we feel like there is no way out, we can almost imagine what it must have been like for this woman in this literal circle of accusing voices.
Whether she felt like she deserved it or not, she was about to be condemned to a horrific and agonizing death by stoning.
The rocks were hard and sharp, and the men were ready to throw them. He stooped down. He put himself on the same level as this woman.
He But Jesus had a better plan. He always does.
Jesus acknowledged her,
Jesus protected her, and
Jesus graciously gave her a moment of dignity.
He surprised everyone. Whatever Jesus wrote in the sand struck the heart of each person there. One by one, the accusers dropped their stones and walked away.
Jesus saved her from punishment;
Jesus forgave her in this moment for all of her sin – the adultery and everything else.
He spared her life and told her he did not condemn her. He set her on a new path.
He gave her a fresh start. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
Any one of us could be this woman in this story standing in our Shame.
We cringe in fear and embarrassment picturing ourselves in the center of public accusation. Or we create our own ring of judgment and self-criticism to continually beat ourselves up.
But Jesus comes to us in our circles of shame, too. And what does he do?’
He stoops down to show us that he is still with us.
He surprises us with good that we could never have imagined.
He saves us from the punishment we deserve,
He sets us on a new path and continues to lead us in a life of redemption with him.
Jesus tells us he does not condemn us. Let’s drop the rocks and trust his heart.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for not condemning us. You did not come to judge us, but to save us with Your love.
You are a gracious and merciful God, who understands the struggles that we face in our flesh.
Thank You for Your complete forgiveness for every single sin I have ever committed.
I trust You Lord to break up my circle of shame and draw me closer to You.
Help me to repent of the sins in my life and go and sin no more as You have commanded.
Father, protect us and our loved ones from any and all wickedness of the wicked at all times.
Holy Spirit of the living God, surround us with Your powerful presence at all times.
In the Mighty and Holy Name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen and Amen
Have a blessed day