What Is the Normal Christian Life? – By Iwalola(Lola) Ademodi Oshinowo

It behooves every believer in Jesus Christ to ponder this question. The normal Christian life is something very different from the life of the average Christian. Normal Christian life is God’s desire for us.

Beloved, I submit to you that looking around the Christian community, indeed a consideration of the written Word of God—should lead us to ask whether such a life has ever in fact been lived upon the earth, save only by the Son of God Himself.

✝️ The Apostle Paul gives us his own definition of the normal Christian life in Galatians 2:20. It is “no longer I, but Christ”.

Here Paul was presenting God’s normal for a Christian, which can be summarized in the words: I live no longer, but Christ lives His life in me. God makes it quite clear in His Word that He has only one answer to every human need—His Son, Jesus Christ.

In all His dealings with us God works by taking us out of the way and substituting Christ in our place to save and deliver us. Jesus took on the wrath of our sins. This is the divine exchange which allowed Christ to live through us as we surrender to Him.


Gracious God, thank You for the gift of salvation and the divine exchange. Help us to surrender ALL to You so that Christ can live through us. Protect, and shield us from all evil. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen🙏🏾

Have a blessed day ❤️

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